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Melissa Vaezi

Hi, I'm Melissa, a UX/UI Designer based in Adelaide with passion for intuitive, people-centered digital products. I am able to conduct the entire UX/UI process, right up to creating high fidelity designs. Recent experience in a graduate role creating designs that delivered AI solutions for several major companies. Seeking a role with a company that considers the ethical impact of their products, values inclusivity, prioritizes usability testing and is focused on innovative project management.

Technical Skills: Design Thinking Skills, Figma, Adobe XD, HTML, CSS, Java Script, jQuery, Bootstrap

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UX/UI Case Studies

Trees for Life Case Study

Redesign a Not-for-Profit website responsively. Group project at the University of Adelaide. UX/UI

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Australian Space Agency Case Study

Redesign a Government Website homepage responsively. Individual project at the University of Adelaide. UI

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Sparky Buddy Case Study

Design a Useful Mobile App Group Project at the University of Adelaide. UX/UI

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Hoagies Gifted Education Case Study

Responsive Redesign of a Website Group Project at the University of Adelaide. UX/UI/Front-end development

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